Red Line Update: Phase I - Schenectady


Project Overview

CDTA is upgrading its first BusPlus project, the Red Line, which launched in 2011. The Red Line has the highest ridership and service frequency in the CDTA system; this demand warrants a thorough review of the infrastructure to ensure ongoing growth and improved service. The first phase of the update covered the BusPlus BRT stations in Schenectady from Veeder/Nott to Niskayuna, and data collection, traffic analysis, and public engagement were used to inform design changes that will improve the station areas and adjacent intersections for transit riders, pedestrians, and other travelers throughout the corridor.

CDTA is also working on a related construction project called Red Line Refresh. Learn more about the BusPlus Red Line, including the ongoing construction projects by visiting the Red Line Construction Projects Page.

Study Area

Public engagement for Red Line Update: Phase 1 - Schenectady has concluded successfully. Please see below for more information.


Click on the map to enlarge the image.

Get Involved

Public input is an important aspect of this project. When collecting public input, the team used in-person and virtual engagement methods to gather feedback, including online surveys, pop-up events, and neighborhood meetings to better understand where people think pedestrian and transit improvements are most needed along this corridor. Public engagement efforts are now being used to help inform and progress the design for the Red Line Refresh project to ensure that the project is reflecting community needs
Meetings:Woodlawn Neighborhood Association: Wednesday, June 28th Ancient Order Of Hibernian Hall; 1748 State Street Schenectady, NY 123046:30 - 7:30 PM
Hamilton Hill Neighborhood Association: Thursday, July 6thElectric City Barn; 400 Craig Street, Schenectady, NY 123076:30 PM
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As the study progresses, project documents will be added to this page. Check back soon!